21 N Main St, PO Box 409
Randolph, VT 05060


 (802) 728-4305 

 (802) 728-4863 (fax)


Art, etc Opening Art Reception

Friday, February 2, 2024 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm02/02/2024 10:00pm Art, etc Opening Art Reception The public is invited to an Opening Reception Friday, February 2nd, 5-7pm. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and music by David Cron. Come to Randolph for the evening and enjoy other galleries around town for a local Art Walk. ART, etc. presents their newest exhibits for February & March 2024 featuring the work of abstract artist Laura Di Piazza and printmaker Janet Cathey. This show features the creative, thoughtful, and exploratory side of each artist. Art, etc. 26 N. Main Street, Randolph RACDC info@racdc.com America/New_York public
Art, etc. 26 N. Main Street, Randolph
The public is invited to an Opening Reception Friday, February 2nd, 5-7pm. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and music by David Cron. Come to Randolph for the evening and enjoy other galleries around town for a local Art Walk. ART, etc. presents their newest exhibits for February & March 2024 featuring the work of abstract artist Laura Di Piazza and printmaker Janet Cathey. This show features the creative, thoughtful, and exploratory side of each artist.